Thursday 26 February 2009

Share and share alike!

The secret's out, girls like to go to the bathroom in a pack. I don't know what dangers we hope to avert by travelling in a pack but it's worked for me so far! In keeping with our pack habits, we seem to get married in groups as well.

I'm sure at this point you're thinking, and this affects me how? Weeeeellll, if you have friends getting married, they'll have fabric, tulle, disposable or Polaroid cameras, cake stands, votive candles, vases, hurricanes, sand for centerpieces, etc, advise and a lot more to offer.

So if you're getting within months of each other, why not share the costs of items you'll both use? I don't mean recycling ideas, just components. Just because you're on a budget does not mean you want a re-play wedding.